RETAIL IS NOT DEAD | Introducing RH New York, The Gallery

On Monday, with kids off of school after work we decided to check out the new Restoration Hardware gallery in the Meatpacking  District, with its crown jeweled restaurant and expansive interior design displays.

Grand Entrance

Our family was excited to see the massive inspired space with five glass-enclosed private workspaces that “take the company’s designers off the selling floor and segment them for design.”

The view… indoor and outdoor space is stunning and welcoming all at once….

Grand staircase connecting the 5 design floors to the rooftop restaurant

The customer service at the rooftop restaurant was amazing from the greeting to the seating, and the servers were gracious.

Dining space

The chef came to greet after our delicious dinner.  He told us that soon to come will be the first restoration hardware hotel named the GUESTHOUSE on 55 Gansevoort.

Delicious appetizers

The chef also expressed that the restoration hardware has a culture of innovation and service.  I believe every business should. Well done Gary Friedman of Restoration Hardware, it was worth 5 years in the making…

Nothing more excites me than a place that thrives on consumer service, visually and aesthetically inspiring!


Photos courtesy of Claudia Saez-Fromm and Architectural Digest

Claudia Saez-Fromm

An entrepreneur, innovator, and singularly successful real estate salesperson, fitness fiend, foodie, mommy, and fashion fan.

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