Mommies and daddies of New York, if you haven’t taken your sweet kids to MoMA’s Century of the Child exhibit, make plans to do it now!
Or at least sometime before November 5th.
The ambitious survey of 20th century design for children is the first large-scale overview of the modernist preoccupation with children and childhood as a paradigm for progressive design thinking. The exhibition brings together areas underrepresented in design history and often considered separately, including school architecture, clothing, playgrounds, toys and games, children’s hospitals and safety equipment, nurseries, furniture, and books.
One of the most interesting influencers in children’s development is Tom Luckey, and man who had a passion for creating exciting structures for children to play on and with, and the current Luckey Climber on display is no exception. Take a moment to relax from the usual go go go and watch your little ones become monkeys as they reach new heights. They’re completely protected by netting, so you can rest easy as they make their way up to the ceiling and back down again.
I plan to take Tyler and Sofia this week!
And the best news? You’re in the hallowed halls of our lovely MoMA. So you can use the interactive pieces of this exhibit as a reward for putting up with your history lessons. Then quiz them on the way home.
Don’t let this one pass you by. It’s too great of an opportunity for the whole family!