The {Mommy } Life: Halloween for Kids
There’s nothing like Halloween in New York – for kids or for grown ups! Here are the best events and trick-or-treat spots in the city for kids, and check back later this week for the best Halloween events for adults as well.
Upper West Side
If you’re looking for an event to start the Halloween festivities early, Hippo Halloween Parade will take place from 3:45p – 5:45p. Meet at the Soldiers & Sailors Monument and follow bagpipers to Hippo Playground. Complimentary cider and doughnuts are to follow.
Complete the night trick-or-treating on 87th Street between Broadway and West End Avenue. The whole block is decorated, brownstone to brownstone! If this street is too busy, hop over to 90th Street between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues.
{ BAMboo! }
Fort Greene
The 13th annual block party takes place in the Peter Jay Sharp Building @ 4p, October 31. This event will feature teen deejay DJ Kakez and have many fun games, arts & crafts, a costume contest, and, of course, candy! This event will run for three hours, so be sure to get there with enough time to enjoy the fun!
{ Torly Kid }
Tribeca (51 Hudson Street)
Looking for another candy stop for your trick-or-treaters? Tribeca children’s clothing retailer, Torly Kid, will be passing out yummy treats from 2p – 6p. All ages are welcome.
Tribeca’s retail hub is known for distributing candy on Halloween. The hot spots include Duane, Reade, Greenwich and Hudson Streets.
{ Asphalt Screams }
Upper East Side
Partake in Asphalt Screams at Asphalt Green! This active celebration is all spook, less scare. A fun event for families to dress in their best costumes and kids to play games like Zombie Freeze Tag, Spooktacular Soccer Shootout and many more! The spooky celebration starts at 4p and ends at 6p, and the first 400 kids to arrive receive a goody bag. This event is free to the public, however a $20 donation is suggested per family. All proceeds will go toward the FIT KIDS FIT CITY campaign.
{ Clement Clark Moore Park “Seal Park” }
This is a popular spot and the most memorable Halloween experience for everyone. Families gather around 6p on Tenth Avenue at 22nd Street, then walk up and down the brownstone blocks around the neighborhood. Locals note popular candy destinations to be on 21st and 22nd Streets between Ninth and Tenth Avenues, and homes between Eighth and Ninth Avenues to also be handing out treats.